A collection of interesting articles and discussion from around the Internet
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Fareed Zakaria on a Post American World
Fareed Zakaria was on national public radio today to discuss the future of the world in what he sees as a The Post-American World which is the title of his newest book. The thesis of the book isn't that America is declining as a nation but rather that since nations like China, India and Brazil are growing economically the US will not enjoy its superpower status much longer.
Strauss-Kahn Case in Serious Jeopardy
The sexual assault case against the former IMF chief Dominique Strauss- Kahn is in serious jeopardy due to serious questions the police are raising about the credibility of the alleged victim.
Birthers Sue Esquire for $225 Million
Birthers Sue Esquire for $225 Million for defamation. At issue is an article esquire wrote back in May shortly after the President released his long form birth certificate. The birthers ( Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah)claim this article has made it harder for them to sell their new book Where's the Birth Certificate?
They also claim that the article has made them the subject of ridicule.
Maybe the birthers will sue President Obama for releasing both forms of his birth certificate because of the harm that caused to their careers.
They also claim that the article has made them the subject of ridicule.
Maybe the birthers will sue President Obama for releasing both forms of his birth certificate because of the harm that caused to their careers.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Flagrantly misinterpreting the message of Jesus
Stephen Colbert satirizes Bill O'Reilly's column on Jesus for its "factual inaccuracies" saying that it would be inconvenient for rich guys like them to own up to what Jesus actually required of them like when Jesus said "if someone wants your coat, give them your cloak as well" or "rich people should sell all their possessions and give the money to the poor".
Obama's Game Plan 2012: North Carolina, Ohio and Colorado
Obama's Game Plan 2012. Much of the president's base is disillusioned. Some of his supporters worry that his elections chances are hurt by a less enthusiastic base.
Jon Stewart versus the Fox News controversy machine
Jon Stewart did an impression of Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain that has sent Fox News into full scandal mode attacking Stewart for the impression. Stewart points out that he does absurdist impressions of nearly everyone including: John Kerry, Barack Obama, Former Presidents Bush and Clinton, Dick Cheney, stereotypical italian, stereotypical jewish person... so why not Herman Cain?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Trillions of dollars in Interest
Of the $14 Trillion in Debt, several trillion dollars will go to pay the interest. The Blog defeat the debt, is dedicated to bringing the issue of the nation's crippling debt to light.
Are the 9th and 10th Amendments dead?
The Ninth Amendment :The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
And the tenth amendment: the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Are not often discussed unlike the first and second amendments. A new challenge by the states seeks to reaffirm 9th and 10th amendment powers for the states. At issue is a Montana man who is planning on making guns that will only be sold in the state of Montana. Even though there will be no interstate commerce the ATF is claiming jurisdiction and has threatened the man with jail time if he doesn't comply with federal law.
Time Magazine recently devoted its cover to the question of does the constitution still matter. Sadly they don't ever mention the 9th or 10th amendments.
And the tenth amendment: the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Are not often discussed unlike the first and second amendments. A new challenge by the states seeks to reaffirm 9th and 10th amendment powers for the states. At issue is a Montana man who is planning on making guns that will only be sold in the state of Montana. Even though there will be no interstate commerce the ATF is claiming jurisdiction and has threatened the man with jail time if he doesn't comply with federal law.
Time Magazine recently devoted its cover to the question of does the constitution still matter. Sadly they don't ever mention the 9th or 10th amendments.
Most of the Captured 'Taliban' turns out to be civilians
General Petraeus released numbers of captured rank and file Taliban, but a closer look at the numbers reveal that between 80 and 90 percent were released in two weeks time because the military deemed them to be civilians.
Lagard expected to be named new IMF chief
With support from the US Lagard is expected to be named the new head of the IMF.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Blagojevich convicted on 17 of 20 counts
Former Illinois Governor Rob Blagojevich has been convicted on 17 of 20 counts against him. Blagojevich said he was stunned by the verdict. One juror said that it was hard to convict him because he was so personable.
Daily Caller on the Ridiculist
The Daily caller is a twenty four hour news slash conservative blog run by Tucker Carlson. It has been said that it is a conservative version of the huffington post. The Daily Caller has a lot of good articles and opinion editorials but also occasionally has some terrible pieces. One piece in particular ended up on Anderson Cooper's Ridiculist.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
South Carolina: Maybe not first in the South Primary
South Carolina may not be first in the south primary. Governor Nikki Haley may veto government funding of the GOP primary, she has said that the government does not need to subsidize party events.
Jamie Oliver wants to teach children to eat better
Jamie Oliver is an english chef that is trying to create what he calls a "food revolution". In his twenty minute talk with TED.com he explains why he is on a mission, because obesity kills people and costs the US $150 Billion a year in health care costs. He has a website and a television show. He also mentions that if the obesity epidemic continues that children today will have a shorter lifespan than the generation before them.
Israel warns Journalists over planned flotilla
Israel warns media over planned flotilla to Gaza. States that journalists may be banned from entering the country for 10 years and have their equipment confiscated if they participate.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Rick Santorum's Google Problem
Former Senator Rick Santorum is running for President in 2012. He has a a google problem. In that when you google Rick Santorum the first website to come up is a site dedicated to bashing Rick Santorum pops up first. The site has also managed to coin a sexual neologism "Santorum" as something so disgusting that I'm not mentioning it here. The site was started by gay sex columnist Dan Savage because Rick Santorum equated gay sex to man on dog sex. Stephen Colbert makes light of the situation here.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Drug Companies win two Supreme Court Cases
Drug Companies win two Supreme Court Cases. One states that generics can't be held liable for failing to warn patients about the safety of their product.
Towns could get break from liability
Connecticut legislature passed a bill that would protect municipalities and small towns from frivolous lawsuits. The bill was crafted in response to a liability case where a jury award a women $2.9 Million after she ran into a closed gate while racing her friend down a steep hill and severely injured herself.
Niggardly: Attacking Vocabulary in the name of political correctness
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Niggardly as being "grudgingly mean about spending or granting", but uttering the word can land you in hot water as a Mayoral Aide in DC resigned after correctly using the word in front of black coworkers, when referring to how they needed to approach the budget, or when parents demanded a teacher being fired for teaching the word during a vocabulary lesson. It also led Amelia Rideau, a student at the University of Wisconsin, to file a complaint against her professor when he used the word while quoting Chaucer. He then explained the definition to the entire class. She tried to launch a crusade that would discipline professors whose speech offends students regardless of intent. Fortunately for free speech, she failed.
Who takes us to war
The last time the US declared war it was WWII. We need new rules governing when and how we go to war. We have the war powers act that was passed in 1973, but it has been largely ignored.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thomas Friedman on our broken government
Thomas Friedman on our broken government system. He explains that our current system that puts politicians in perpetual campaign mode encourages politicians to play to their respective bases promising things that they could never hope to deliver.
Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater
Conscience of a Conservative
by Barry Goldwater is a fantastic argument for conservative principles. It is a good read for anyone. He explores the core tenets of conservatism and their implications on society at large, instead of looking at specific conservative policies.
14 ideas to help fix the economy
Former President Bill Clinton offers 14 ideas to help fix the economy.
FBI targeting fake security scammers.
FBI is targeting fake security scammers, the companies would give away a program that claimed to find security flaws on your PC and then for a fee would fix them. The problem was that the flaws found were fictitious.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Mortgage-Backed Securities Explained
China's Ai Weiwei released from detention
China's best known artist Ai Weiwei has been released from detention after 81 days.
Politifact on Jon Stewart and Fox News
Jon Stewart tritely apologizes for mistakenly calling Fox the most consistently uninformed viewers on television. He notes that politifact.com rated his statement as false. He then goes on to point out that Fox News is routinely rated by politifact.com for having false statements including winning lie of the year more than once.
Public Pensions not fully funded
States have been warned that there is a $2 trillion short fall for public sector pensions. To Fully fund these pensions state and local government will need to raise taxes $1400 per person per year for the next 30 years. Any politician that tries to reform the system faces a harsh backlash from unions, in the form of organization and campaign contributions.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Understanding the Housing Crisis: Part 3
Understanding the Housing Crisis: Part 3 the last part of a three part series understanding the basics of the housing crisis.
Understanding the Housing Crisis: Part 2
Understanding the Housing Crisis: Part 2, another 10 minute video lecture explaining the basics of the housing crisis.
GOP candidates and Job Growth
A quick graphic showing job growth under each GOP nominee in that person's respective state.
Out door smoking ban
The Daily Show points out the ridiculous smoking ban in outdoor parks in New York city, by highlighting that they are filled with drug addicts and homeless, and you aren't even allowed to sit on the grass. It is a funny three minute clip pointing out big city liberal absurdity.
Chris Matthews and Jon Stewart
Amidst the reporting on the interview between Jon Stewart and Chris Matthews, Stewart feels that one piece of the interview has essentially been glossed over, and that is when Matthews admitted that Fox News was not fair and balanced. But as Matthews stated, Fox News is a counter-weight to liberal bias in the media.
Huntsman is officially running for President
Jon Huntsman has made it official that he is running for president in 2012.
Monday, June 20, 2011
EU wants more cuts before it gives more bailout money to Greece
EU wants more cuts before it bails out Greece again. Greece is seeking to prevent default, which couple ripple through Europe devastating the financial industry.
Understanding the Housing Crisis: Part 1
A Video Series, this is video 1, explaining the housing crisis . It is a short ten minute video.
Economics: Understanding Interest
Understanding the principles of what interest is, and simple versus compound. The second 10 minute video is located here. Both videos are good principles for understanding basic economics. The Khan Academy has over 2,300 videos explaining all sorts of subjects from Economics to Chemistry.
Black Unemployment at 16%
While the national average for unemployment is 9.1% unemployment for african americans is 16%
Supreme Court sides with Wal-Mart
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Wal-Mart in the sex bias suit, ruling that the women working in 3,400 stores were too different for one class action suit.
The Norfolk four: False confessions from intense police interrogations
PBS Frontline covers the case of the norfolk four in this segment of frontline, it contains a ninety minute documentary, and several articles and interviews about the case. A brief summary of the cases is that a young woman was brutally beaten, raped and murdered. Detective Robert Glenn Ford used intimidation tactics to coerce false confessions from four navy servicemen, they were sent to prison based on the false confessions. Detective Ford eventually was sent to prison for 12 and a half years for corruption.
FCC standing up against "mystery phone fees"
The FCC is considering fines of $12 Million dollars for mystery phone fees, charging consumers fees for products they didn't use.
Siemens: American Worker's lack skills
Siemens is having a difficult time finding the skilled American workers it wants even though US unemployment remains at 9%
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Governor Walker Stood Up to Unions
Governor Walker had the courage to stick up to Unions. Herman Cain explains that "being forced to join a union as a condition of employment is a restriction on a worker’s rights. Joining a union or any other organization should be an individual’s choice"
America's Most Wanted set to end
America's Most wanted will come to an end after 23 years on the air. John Walsh launched an anti-crime crusade after the abduction and murder of his six year old son. America's most wanted helped catch about 1,200 fugitives.
The perils of public debt: Greece
The perils of public debt. Currently European banks are allowed to hold government debt as if it were risk free. As a result European banks hold a tremendous amount of public debt, that is why a Greek default could reek havoc on the entire European banking system
Some health care consensus
Democrats and Republicans disagree on several aspects of health care reform but there are several areas where they aren't that far away from each other.
Pundit under Protest
David Brooks is a pundit for the New york times covering the 2012 presidential election. He is disgusted by the lack of ideas being proposed from both parties.
The Slide at Oologah
An excerpt from Philip K. Howard's book The Lost Art of Drawing the Line: How Fairness Went Too Far
, a brief excerpt about how fear of liability over a treasured neighborhood slide, led to it being taken down. Fear of a lawsuit won out over the fond memories of people playing on the slide.
Jon Stewart on Fox News Sunday
Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace sits down with Jon Stewart, the two have a nice discussion about media bias. Stewart admits to liberal bias in the mainstream media, but categorizes it as mostly having a sensationalist and lazy bias. He also argues that Fox News is more of a concerted effort to push a conservative agenda.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
A Roadmap for the Planet
We've avoided environmental catastrophe's in the past going forward, how will we tame global warming the same way we conquered past problems with innovation.
Greek Crisis at tipping point
Greek Crisis at tipping point, George Soros has been critical of the handling of the crisis by European officials claiming that they are making a mistake in not tackling the crisis
AARP expects entitlement cuts
The AARP expects entitlement cuts, and has taken a different tone then the last time the retirement age was discussed being raised. Social Security appears that it may no longer be the third rail of politics
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Ads on Illinois License plates?
Hard up for money the Illinois state legislature is considering selling advertisements on their license plates
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A Menu of Malpractice Reforms
Malpractice reform can take several forms. Here are six ways our medical legal system could be reformed to make it function better.
The Responsibility Deficit
David Brooks talks about what is missing from our government, responsibility. No one can make a decision, so no one can be held accountable.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Reforming Public Pensions in New York and New Jersey
Governors across the country are reforming public pension unions Governor Cuomo of New York has recently introduced legislation to alter New York Unions, while Governor Christie of New Jersey is brokering a compromise to reform public pensions there.
The New York times editorial board offered its opinion on the subject, that children have been pushed into ever larger classrooms while public employees have done very well for themselves in the past decade.
The New York times editorial board offered its opinion on the subject, that children have been pushed into ever larger classrooms while public employees have done very well for themselves in the past decade.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Some Bad Teachers Avoid Discipline
Some Bad Teachers avoid any discipline because the school district recognizes how difficult it is to remove them. Since it is so difficult to remove them, many places don't even bother trying.
As previously posted on this site in Middleton Wisconsin it cost the school district $300,000 dollars to fire for firing a teacher that was looking at pornography at school.
As previously posted on this site in Middleton Wisconsin it cost the school district $300,000 dollars to fire for firing a teacher that was looking at pornography at school.
Fire Fighters watch man drown
Alameda police and fire fighters watch a man drown because Firefighters and Police had not recently been certified in land-based water rescues, without those certifications the city would be open to liability. Fear of lawsuit, allowed a man to drown. Rules were changed after the incident.
Herman Cain
A Short Video interview with Herman Cain. If you are interested in learning more in Herman Cain, there is an excellent interview where he explains his beliefs without any gotcha questions.
Constitutionality of Health Care Law being challenged in Appeals Court
The Health Care law is being challenged in an appeals court. Most observers believe it will ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.
One of the Judges on the appeals court asked if congress has the authority to force people to buy goods on the open market, is there any limit to their power?
One of the Judges on the appeals court asked if congress has the authority to force people to buy goods on the open market, is there any limit to their power?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Real Cost of the Auto Bailout
President Obama is touting the success of the auto bailout, but he leaves out a lot of inconvenient facts along the way. The true cost of the auto bailout is even more than the $14 billion the US tax payer is directly on the hook for; it is also the $13 billion in losses that GM will be allowed to apply against future tax gains, even though GM was "sold" during its bankruptcy. The other cost is that credit will be harder to come by for the auto industry, as creditors, along with the rule of law regarding bankruptcy procedure, were tossed aside during the bailout.
Country Profile: Singapore
The world is a big place, and we should all try and understand each other a little better. This brief country profile of Singapore will hopefully be a jumping off point in better understanding the other 211 countries in the world.
Waiting for Superman
For those of you who haven't seen the movie Waiting for Superman, it is worth checking out. It's a short 90 minute documentary about our failing education system (you can view the trailer here).
It makes the point that teachers are a national resource, but teachers' unions often obstruct the process of reform. It highlights many egregious results of unions, particularly the difficulty in firing terrible teachers.
It is structured around the stories of five parents trying to enroll their children into elite charter schools and describes how some charter schools are doing a fantastic job in even the worst neighborhoods in America. It doesn't answer every question about how to fix American school system, but it does a great job pointing several flaws in the system. The official site for the movie allows you to buy the dvd and encourages you to get active in the movement to reform public education.
It makes the point that teachers are a national resource, but teachers' unions often obstruct the process of reform. It highlights many egregious results of unions, particularly the difficulty in firing terrible teachers.
It is structured around the stories of five parents trying to enroll their children into elite charter schools and describes how some charter schools are doing a fantastic job in even the worst neighborhoods in America. It doesn't answer every question about how to fix American school system, but it does a great job pointing several flaws in the system. The official site for the movie allows you to buy the dvd and encourages you to get active in the movement to reform public education.
Looming Primary Care Physician Shortage
The number of medical students going into primary care has dropped by 50% since 1997. A shortage of primary care physicians looms as fewer future doctors are interested in general practice. It isn't surprising that new doctors are avoiding the lowest paying jobs. When medical schools saddle new doctors with an average of around $200,000 worth of debt each (in addition to whatever loans they may have outstanding from their undergraduate educations), many doctors seek more lucrative fields. Some argue that this could derail Obama's new health care law, by questioning how we plan to treat all of the uninsured if we already have a shortage of primary care physicians.
Physician Reimbursements by Medicare: will elderly patients be able to find doctors?
Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements are often below operating costs for doctors who choose to see patients covered by these insurance plans. While the number of patients on Medicare is rising, the number of doctors willing to see these patients is not growing to meet that demand. Will Medicare patients be able to find doctors willing to see them? What good is government health insurance if it can't get you in to see the doctor?
Estimates of employers dropping coverage in 2014
When the new health care law comes into effect (dubbed Obamacare) many employers may seek to dump healthcare benefits. McKinsey estimates that 30% may drop employer based health care. The CBO expects the number to only be 7%.
Real Life CSI: suspects convicted on flimsy evidence
As a follow-up to yesterday's post, check out Newsweek's piece on forensic evidence gone awry, which touches on how as a result of potentially unsubstantiated forensic reports, innocent suspects have been convicted and sent to prison for crimes they didn't commit.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Real Life CSI
A recent Frontline episode about forensic medical examination: there are no national standards, and the quality of forensic exams varies greatly based on local policy. In some areas, autopsies are performed by medical experts, in other places by "coroners" with no formal training. At times homicides may be misclassified and allow murderers to go free, or innocent suspects may be sent to prison for crimes they didn't commit.
Chef Ann Cooper: Renegade Lunch Lady
Lunch lady Ann Cooper is trying to bring healthy meals to her students in Harlem. With the obesity epidemic affecting our nation's children, we should be trying to put healthier food in our schools, and ultimately our children's stomachs.
GM CEO calls for $1 gas tax
GM CEO calls for $1 gas tax: now that's a third rail in politics I'm sure no one wants to touch.
Changing the Way we Screen Air Travelers
The TSA's current method of screening travelers is designed to stop the smuggling of metal objects such as guns. Newer options may segregate flyers based on perceived security threat and screen them accordingly.
We Must "End Medicare As We Know it"
Medicare as we know it is unsustainable. It will ultimately no longer exist in its current state; it remains to be seen how it will end and on whose terms. At least Paul Ryan has offered his plan on Medicare Reform. If anyone else does, I'll post those too.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Weiner Admits to Sending Photo
Representative Weiner admits that he sent the lewd photo to a woman via twitter. He then confessed to sending messages to about six women over the past three years.
Should we care? Is this receiving too much coverage?
Should we care? Is this receiving too much coverage?
"Ground Zero Mosque" controversy
The "Ground Zero Mosque" controversy grabbed national headlines for several weeks. 60 minutes did an excellent job covering the story in this 13 minute piece. They point out a number of facts that weren't front and center at the debate. One was that the ground zero area at the pentagon has a non-denominational prayer center, and the Muslim call to prayer happens there daily. Two, was that the old burlington coat factory (the site of the controversial ground zero mosque, which happens to be 2 blocks away from where the twin towers stood), has actually already been functioning as a mosque for several months now. The only question is whether or not they'll be able to turn it into a community center with a pool and an auditorium.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Country Profile: Nepal
More about Nepal
In this series of entries, there will be a brief overview of a country that many of us might know only little about.
Florida Governor Signs Welfare Drug Screening Law
Florida Governor Signs Welfare Drug Screening law. Critics hail it as an invasion of privacy. Proponents say that it isn't fair for tax payers to subsidize drug abuse.
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education
Salman Khan: makes his pitch in this 20 minute video, about how we should be using video to reinvent education. He is the founder of the Khan Academy.
It is a fascinating look as to how we could use the Khan Academy to supplement US public education, to better help our children.
Business week wrote up a nice article about Khan and what he does.
It is a fascinating look as to how we could use the Khan Academy to supplement US public education, to better help our children.
Business week wrote up a nice article about Khan and what he does.
Military Moving forward with Ending Don't Ask Don't Tell
The military is moving forward with ending don't ask don't tell. For Servicemen and women who object to serving along homosexuals, they will not be allowed to opt out of there service duty, they must remain until the end of their commitment.
$100,000 to drop out of college and become an entrepreneur
Peter Thiel, PayPal's co-founder is offering $100,000 scholarships for people to drop out of college and come work in silicon valley.
Major Media Mergers
Meredith Attwell Baker, sat on the board at the FCC that approved the comcast, GE merger. And has now accepted a high level position with the new Comcast-GE company.
Jon Stewart makes light of it in an entertaining five minute clip.
Jon Stewart makes light of it in an entertaining five minute clip.
Actually, That's Not in the Bible
Several quotes people use, "God Helps those that help themselves" are in fact, not from the Bible.
"God helps those who help themselves" is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
"God helps those who help themselves" is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Netanyahu doesn't want a deal
Netanyahu doesn't want a deal, at his core Netanyahu doesn't want a Palestinian state.
GOP on Unions
Lamar Alexander explains how the US should encourage job growth in the US, and support right to work laws. He explains that Tennessee's right to work laws led to the growth of auto manufacturing in that state.
Right to Work,
Dr. Jack Kevorkian has passed away at the age of 83
Dr. Kevorkian was best know for his work in physician assisted suicide. He sparked sparked the debate over assisted suicide and raised issue about how people should be allowed to die. The Catholic church, and several pro-life groups vilified him and said that he left behind a legacy of death. While many family members of the people he assisted in ending their lives remain grateful.
Physician assisted suicide opens up an uncomfortable debate for many people, but it is a debate worth having. Do the terminally ill have the right to die to end their suffering? Can they get help from others to do so?
Physician assisted suicide opens up an uncomfortable debate for many people, but it is a debate worth having. Do the terminally ill have the right to die to end their suffering? Can they get help from others to do so?
What the Welfare State has done to the Family Unit
Walter E. Williams, Economist at George Mason argues that part of the break down of the family unit is the welfare state. That the percentage of black children being raised in 1940 by a single parent was 19%, today it is 72%.
He argues simply that if you subsidize something, you get a surplus, and if you tax something, you get less of it. As a society we have come to start subsidizing single mothers.
He argues simply that if you subsidize something, you get a surplus, and if you tax something, you get less of it. As a society we have come to start subsidizing single mothers.
eHarmony forced into providing Gay Dating Service
eHarmony to Provide Gay Dating Service, in result of lawsuit. The founder of eHarmony is a conservative christian who opposes gay marriage.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Khan Academy
Salman Khan was on the Colbert Report last night to talk about his education revolution the Khan Academy, where he is attempting to change the way we think about education and bring it to the entire world. His academy, summarized well on wikipedia, has over 2300 educational videos online. They are all about 10 minutes (or less).
Salman Khan was a hedge fund manager, and started tutoring his cousins over the internet via youtube. He eventually quit to found the non-profit the Khan academy, and is trying to improve education in our country and our world.
Salman Khan was a hedge fund manager, and started tutoring his cousins over the internet via youtube. He eventually quit to found the non-profit the Khan academy, and is trying to improve education in our country and our world.
Going to College in Prison, reducing recidivism
A professor tells of how Sing Sing Correctional Facility in New York allows its inmates to go to college. The students are dedicated and it helps them turn their life around. While the national recidivism rate within three years of release from prison is 60%, this program boasts one of 0% so far. While the number won't stay zero for ever, closing the revolving door in prisons is something worth looking into.
The Gender Pay Gap
One Reason men make more money then women, they ask for it.
There are a lot of factors that go into the pay gap between men and women. If you compare men and women that have the same education, work hours (etc), women make about 89 cents on the dollar to men.
One of the factors is that men are more likely to negotiate for a better raise, or better initial salary.
There are a lot of factors that go into the pay gap between men and women. If you compare men and women that have the same education, work hours (etc), women make about 89 cents on the dollar to men.
One of the factors is that men are more likely to negotiate for a better raise, or better initial salary.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Ban on Dancing at Federal Monuments, Arrests and Investigation into Police Brutality
There is a law against dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. This law was recently upheld in a ruling by US District Judge John D. Bates, it had been challenged as inhibiting someone's free expression. Bates ruled that the interior of the memorial is not a public forum. A handful of people protested this by dancing quietly to music from their Ipods as can be seen in this one minute video. One of them was body slammed and then choked by a park officer, which has led to an investigation into whether or not the Police used excessive force in detaining the peaceful protestors.
Book to Read
For those of you looking for a good read. The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America
by Philip K. Howard is a fantastic read about how our legal system limits our liberties and prevents government from functioning properly. Among my favorite stories cited in the book was how the Department of Defense spent $2Billion one year on travel expense, and $2.3 Billion dollars documenting that travel.
Huffington Post: An Outlet for the Anti-Vaccine Movement
Huffington Post is an outlet for the Anti-Vaccine Campaign. Huffington Post was set up to be a voice for Democrats, and the Liberal movement. It is also the largest out let for the anti vaccine movement. With the Anti-Vaccine movement in full force The US recently experience an outbreak in Measles.
Crisis in Yemen
Crisis growing in Yemen. The Arab spring isn't over, and although people throughout the Arab world want reform and democracy, the governments aren't willing to hand over power.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Why CFL's Make sense over Incandescent Bulbs
Five Simple reasons CFL's are better than Incandescent bulbs.
The biggest, they save money.
The next, is that they last 6-10 times longer, which means you don't have to change them as often, so they save time.
The biggest, they save money.
The next, is that they last 6-10 times longer, which means you don't have to change them as often, so they save time.
How Statistics fool Juries
Peter Donnelly shows how stats fool juries, it is about a 20 minute video, that is engaging, entertaining and fascinating.
Tim Pawlenty's Truth Platform
Tim Pawlenty is running for President. His platform so far has been one of telling the truth. So far he has said that we should phase out ethanol subsidies, which can be a hard sell with Iowa being the first to vote in the presidential primary.
Time will tell if he can live up to the promise he is making of telling America the hard truths that we need to face, as he promises in his campaign announcement.
Time will tell if he can live up to the promise he is making of telling America the hard truths that we need to face, as he promises in his campaign announcement.
Fox and Friends Gretchen Carlson plays dumb
Gretchen Carlson comes off as a gee shucks, down to earth girl, that needs to look up everything on google. She doesn't want to sound over educated, Gretchen however, was her High School Valedictorian, graduated from Honors at Stanford, and spent time studying at Oxford.
Job Growth Was Slow in May
Job Growth was slow in May with only 38,000 jobs added to the economy the Dallas-Fort Worth Area lead the nation in job growth.
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